Counter Culture – Elijah at Dry Brook University – 1 Kings 17:1-7

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Counter Culture logo The northern tribes of Israel underwent the rule and leadership of many wicked kings from the time of their beginnings with Jeroboam till the time of their destruction in the hands of the Assyrians. But none were known to be as evil and downright vile as King Ahab. Under he and his wife Jezebel, the people of the northern tribes did what was detestable in the sight of the Lord, far greater sins did they commit than any who were before them. It was a spiritual climate that seemed to accept the worship of anything and anyone other than the One True God of Israel. And it was in that context that the Prophet Elijah is sent by the Lord to speak His truth to the people. We would like to encourage you to turn in your own Bible to 1 Kings, as well as download the teaching notes and follow along as Pastor Anton teaches valuable life lessons that can be learned about standing up for the truth in the midst of Pagan culture. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged.