Don’t Waste Your Life – Week 1 – Matthew 25:14-30

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LogoOption02Have you ever regretted a purchase or a decision that you have made? Maybe you are currently driving that regret to work everyday, or watching others thrive at a business venture that you had an opportunity to make but didn’t… Regret eats away at everyone of us. Some of us have regrets about the things that we have done, and others have regrets about what they should have done and did not. The reality is that most of us struggle with both types of regret.
In the following teaching, Pastor Anton expounds upon the Matthew 25:14-30 passage, taking a closer look at the third servant who did nothing with the blessing that he had received from the master. The text literally says that “he dug a hole and buried it.” Every one of us have been given blessings from God, and yet so many have regretted not doing more with those blessings. We hope that you enjoy this first teaching in the series, “Don’t Waste Your Life.”