I am second – Reed Robertson – Luke 15:11-32

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I am second black backgroundHave you ever been deeply bothered when someone got off easy? When someone did something wrong, and they got off without a punishment, or a lighter punishment than what we thought would be appropriate considering the offense. That sort of thing bothers most people to their very core. In the parable that Jesus taught to the Pharisees and the teachers of the religious law found in Luke 15, we see that sort of situation unfold for the older brother in the story. We encourage you to turn in your Bible to Luke 15, download the teaching notes, and follow along as Pastor Anton teaches about how we ought to react when sinners repent and turn to God. We trust that you will be encouraged. There is also the Reed Robertson iamsecond.com testimony video link provided for you. The video was used and referred to during Pastor Anton’s message.