Love Revolution – The Lord’s Prayer (Part 2) Matthew 6:5-15

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Sermon Notes

loverevolution.cover1How familiar are you with the Lord’s Prayer? Do you have it memorized? Do you ever say it in church out loud or privately when praying to God? Many proclaimed Christ followers, especially those here in the State of Kentucky where our church is located, have this prayer memorized. And if they don’t have it fully memorized, they could at least give you the basic components of the prayer. Yet the question for each of us is this, are we modeling our own prayers after it? For example, are we truly asking the Lord to bless us with what we need for the day… and not secretly getting upset when that is “all that He does” for us? So many of us have asked for the Lord to bless us with the NEEDS that we have for that day… and the coming week… and the following month, and the next year. Before long, we are asking the Lord to give us a perfect life with little to no difficulty. In this week’s teaching, Pastor Anton expounds on the Lord’s Prayer, and asks us to consider whether or not we really mean what we are saying when we speak those words. We invite you to download this week’s teaching notes, and follow along with this week’s teaching. We hope and trust that you will be encouraged.