Love Revolution – Valentine’s Day – John 13:1-17

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loverevolution.cover1What are some of your biggest pet peeves? Do you dislike slow internet, slow drivers, slow fast-food, or maybe all of the above? What grinds you personally? Valentine’s Day is a dedicated day of the year when we often try and focus on our spouse if we have one, taking dedicated time and energy to show them how much we love and appreciate them. The reality is however that we are desperately in love with one person, and that person in YOU. In this teaching, Pastor Anton expounds Jesus’ teaching and example found in John 13:1-17. When we consider just how different Jesus’ teachings are from that of the world in which we live, we are faced with a crucial decision… will we surrender to God, and serve others to achieve spiritual growth? Or will we simply continue to love “me” and place our own desires first in our lives? We hope and trust that you will be encouraged by this teaching.