The Journey “LOVE” – Week 4 – Luke 23:33-49

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FOCUS Advent - Week 1 - Go - Nov 29 2015We must ask the question, “was this one called ‘Jesus’ really the Son of God?”
The answer to that question cannot be taken casually. It demands a personal response. For if He is the Son of God, then He is the Messiah, the Savior, and the LORD. And If He is Savior, then we must personally receive Him by faith and fall at His feet in worship Him as the LORD of our life. If He is not, then we must seek another, for our eternal destiny hangs on our search and our decision. ~ Rev D. Seitz
In this week’s teaching, we will be listening to the testimony of Kristen Powers, her personal Journey in finding faith in Jesus. We will also be looking throughout scripture to see what people have said, and why they said it about Jesus. Lastly we will be looking at whom we should be asking when it comes to discovering the True identity of Jesus. Our desire is that this teaching will encourage your heart, and cause you to take a deeper look at this one named Jesus. If you have not answered the question, we hope that you will in this season of your life.