The Journey “YES” – Week 2 – Luke 1:26-38

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Sermon Notes

FOCUS Advent - Week 1 - Go - Nov 29 2015 Have you ever considered what it must have been like for Mary to receive the message from the Angel Gabriel that she would be the earthly mother of The Messiah? Betrothed to a man named Joseph, yet they had not confirmed the marriage and were not living together… this would be an impossibility! How could it be?
Consider the thoughts that must have gone through the mind of that young girl when she was told she was “highly favored” by the Angel of the Lord, and that He would be with her? It has been said through the ages that “Mary was blessed” by the Lord, and we would agree… yet when we are blessed by God, we are called to be a blessing to others. “Blessed to be a blessing.” As you study the life and birth of Jesus, don’t overlook the earthly mother Mary and the sacrifices she made and the sorrows that she faced in order to follow the will of God for her. She said “Yes” to the Lord even in the midst of great struggle and hardship, possibly even death. What might the Lord be asking you to do for Him? Have you said “Yes?” Follow along with the study notes, and listen to the teaching, we trust that you will be encouraged.