Love Revolution – The Lord’s Prayer (Part 1) – Matthew 6:5-13

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Sermon Notes

loverevolution.cover1When do you pray? When you are stressed out, in trouble, in the morning, or in the evening? Where do you pray? Primarily in a church building, while you are riding in the car, when you are at home in a room by yourself, or at the dinner table with your family? Consider with me when and where you do most of your praying. Jesus gave the Disciples and those gathered near to Him on the shoreline of Galilee several words of instruction when it came to prayer. In Matthew 6:5-8 there are some strong warnings against some of the practices of the religious leaders of that day when it came to where and how they were praying. But hearing these warnings given by Jesus should also cause us to evaluate whether or not we might be doing some of the very same things. When it comes to prayer, each and everyone of us has room to grow in our communication with God. We hope that in this week’s teaching you will be encouraged and challenged to take your next step in your prayer life.