The Hunger Games – Thanksgiving 2015 – Matthew 5:1-12

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HungerGames_Logo_3Hunger. Do we even know what it means to hunger on a daily basis? Some undoubtedly understand that terrible feeling and sensation all too well. However, for most of us, we do not have a very real sense of the term. Sure, we get hungry between a breakfast burrito and a sandwich for lunch, but the reality is that we don’t get it. what’s worse, Jesus teaches His followers that they should “Hunger and Thirst” for Rigorousness!  What on earth does that look like? In this message focused on Matthew 5:1-12, Pastor Anton addresses the issue and at times fascination the American culture has with hungering and fighting for justice, based in part off of the book and movie series, “The Hunger Games.” We hope and trust that you will be encouraged by this teaching. Thanks for learning with us! “And may the odds be ever in your favor.”